Naruto Shippuuden Episode 91: "Orochimaru's Hideout Discovered"

Guren takes twenty-one survivors from the previous battle and leaves to meet with Orochimaru. Team 8 and Kakashi arrive at Orochimaru's hideout, only to discover that it had already been abandoned. Guren uses her crystal jutsu to kill sixteen of her charges when they try to revolt. The other five escaped death by choosing to stay out of the confrontation. Meanwhile, Naruto tries to find a ranged attack he can use, and Jiraiya plans on training him in synchronizing jutsu. Unfortunately, Naruto does not get along well with Gamariki, with whom he is supposed to synchronize.

A big thank you to MySpace.Tv especially to Uchiha Itachi for providing the video and wikipedia for providing the show info.